carlie domingues
ilíiaitchik: indigenous correspondents program (icp)
contributori am currently a scholar in my third year of phd studies at the university of california davis where i focus on indigenous health and wellness in our native american studies department. currently, i design research that engages with indigenous communities, american indian tribes and partners who support women's health, ecological health, wellness and food security based on indigenous agriculture and medicinal traditions, such as sustainable edible acorn food production, regeneration of salmon, deer and elk populations, three sisters agriculture, etc. i partner with physical and biological scientists and environmental planners to uphold indigenous epistemology in climate science planning that seeks to improve fire prevention strategies, dam removal and riverine ecosystem health. i recently became a mom, which inspires me to ensure that our human population understands the importance of indigenous epistemology in ecological and agricultural systems and works to support indigenous land stewardship. i have always enjoyed swimming in california's fresh water and pacific ocean and i know that i must work to ensure healthy water systems in california so our generations to come can enjoy freshwater and ocean water.