luis arturo vera barrios
planet forward contributor
i graduated in electronic engineering from the "universidad nacional de colombia", and i am a university and secondary school teacher in the areas of math and technology in order to integrate all knowledge towards environmental education and involving alternative energy to generate a culture of clean and renewable energy toward to an environmentally friendly society from the core to the transformation of society, education.
as part of the project: alternative energies school, the use of ict is optimized and characterize the renewable energy resources of the town and deepen mathematical concepts of classical physics, chemistry and others; and in turn create the renewable energy roadmap of bogota - colombia. 2015
studies in progress: master of education in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. universidad de los andes
eng. luis arturo vera barrios
cellphone: 320-4343404 (bogotá - colombia)
homephone: 2922990 (bogotá - colombia)