shana kent, author at planet forward - 克罗地亚vs加拿大让球 // inspiring stories to 2022年卡塔尔世界杯官网 wed, 02 dec 2009 15:19:45 +0000 en-us hourly 1 biodiesel: an old idea becomes new again // wed, 02 dec 2009 15:19:45 +0000 since the 1970s, diesel has been the fuel for the farm – diesel for tractors, farm trucks and harvesting equipment. diesel ran everything but the livestock.

but with record high oil prices in the states, the focus is now on alternative energy sources. for farmers, a common alternative is biodiesel, an eco-friendly diesel fuel derived from vegetable oils.

“when oil prices go up, so does the demand for alternatives such as biodiesel,” said lee chrestman, owner of h.l.c. farms.

this new alternative oil is not actually new at all. more than a century ago, the first diesel engines were introduced at the 1900 world’s fair by rudolf diesel. his “new engines” were powered by peanut oil, the original biodiesel.

the first diesel engines were fueled solely on vegetable oils and got better fuel mileage than the traditional combustion engines and soon became the norm. however, in the 1920s, when oil companies took over the fuel market with their cheap, low-grade petroleum diesel, engine manufacturers modified the engines to run on their new fuel.

now, a century later, as environmental concerns, conflicts in the middle east and deteriorating sources of fossil fuels, it is back to the future, a return to the origins of the diesel engine, where an old idea becomes new again.

and with the reduced emissions from biodiesel’s blend, the statistics show this alternative fuel is good crop for everyone.

biodiesel is the first and only alternative fuel to have a complete evaluation of emissions results and potential health effects submitted to the u.s. environmental protection agency (epa) under section 211(b) of the clean air act of 1990.

according to the national biodiesel board report, biodiesel emissions contain 67 percent fewer ozone-depleting hydrocarbons than conventional diesel. biodiesel emissions also contain about half the particulate matter, and they are practically void of sulfur sulfates, a major contributor to acid rain. biodiesel emissions show 75 to 85 percent reduction in cancer-causing polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (pahs) and 48 percent less carbon monoxide.

in sum, biodiesel is biodegradable, nontoxic and essentially free of sulfur and aromatics. and mother nature is not the only one reaping the benefits.

biodiesel: energy from and for the farm // wed, 02 dec 2009 15:18:56 +0000 vast changes in the fields of mississippi have driven today’s farmers to sow different seeds from past years. cotton, the state’s signature crop, is being replaced with something greener for the environment and for the farmers.

“cotton has paid the bills for many years,” said jon ruscoe, lafayette county extension director. “the market has driven farmers to plant different crops, and farmers have to diversity to what the market will allow them to plant.”

since soy oil is the most commonly used vegetable oil in biodiesel, changes have taken place in recent years in soybean production in mississippi, creating a new market for soybean farmers.

trey h. koger, soybean extension specialist with the delta research and extension center at mississippi state university, said farmers are changing their crops because of high soybean and corn prices.

“cotton is being replaced with soybean and corn because of low cotton prices and reduction in demand,” koger said.

jay phelps, area agronomy agent with mississippi state university extension service, said, “soybeans and corn have replaced cotton acres because the profitability is greater than cotton.”

when oil prices shot up in 2008, the united states produced over 600 million gallons of alternative fuel.

“when oil prices go up, so does the demand for alternatives such as biodiesel,” said lee chrestman, owner of h.l.c. farms.

according to mississippi agriculture news, a study by the united soybean board and the soybean checkoff program shows the demand for biodiesel brought u.s. soybean farmers an additional $2.5 billion in net returns.

herb willcutt, agricultural engineer with mississippi state university extension service, agrees with these findings.

“biofuels, supply and demand, are the main cause for a shift in farm prices for crops,” willcutt said. “this results in a perceived, more favorable rate of returns per acre on grain crops than cotton.”

country singer willie nelson, already known for helping american farmers through the farm aid, got on the biodiesel bandwagon in 2005 as co-founder of willie nelson’s biodiesel company. branded “biowillie,” nelson set out to produce, market and distribute his own blend of biodiesel with earth biofuels, a jackson, mississippi-based biofuel company that had an exclusive license to sell the product. nelson was “on the road again” singing the message that biodiesel is made from renewable resources, helps u.s. farmers, reduces dependence on foreign oil and improves air quality.

however, the biowillie ride was short lived. in december 2006, nelson’s green diesel company found itself $11.5 million in the red after two years of crippling financial losses for the company. when the costs of feedstock and other materials shifted, biowillie had been selling its product for less than it cost to make and at fewer stations.

and still today, the price for biodiesel remains high and producers few.

“the relative value of grain to oil prices drives the price,” willcutt said.

among the factors that push up the costs are the amount of time and energy needed to convert the soy oil into biodiesel fuel, through a chemical process called transesterification, whereby glycerin is separated from the fat or vegetable oil.

the mississippi agricultural and forestry experiment station and the mississippi soybean promotion board actively support research aimed at simplifying the biodiesel production process. reducing the amount of refining time will result in a significant reduction in the cost of biodiesel.

although the uses and demands for biodiesel fuel fluctuate, during a time of skyrocketing oil prices, it is an important commodity.

unlike petroleum-based diesel, biodiesel is clean burning and renewable. the raw materials are grown locally in the united states which supports the local economy.

as willie nelson said at the 2005 kickoff of his biowillie campaign, “hey, here’s the future for the farmers and the future for the environment. it seems like that’s good for the whole world if we can start growing our own fuel instead of starting wars over it.”

whether it is now or in the future, biodiesel is good for the people, a gain for the farmer, and green for our environment.

and once the production process for biodiesel is simplified, the cost comes down and the availability of biodiesel spreads across the nation and the state, more and more mississippi farmers will be using this alternative energy source that is energy from and for the farm.
