taliyah medicine horse
chief dull knife college | ilíiaitchik: indigenous correspondents program (icp)
subscriberm’oxéšéh’aé/mint woman, taliyah medicine horse grew up along vétanovéoé’e/ the tongue river in totoemanâheno/ ashland, montana and is a member of the tsétsėhéstȧhese/northern cheyenne and apsálooke/crow nations. currently attending chief dull knife college on the northern cheyenne reservation, taliyah is an aspiring ethnobotanist majoring in horticulture focusing on the traditional uses of medicinal and edible plants. her growing love for preserving traditional knowledge of plants and food sovereignty comes from respected northern cheyenne elders. growing up she was taught that storytelling was important and that each plant has a story that contains valuable lessons. storytelling not only revitalizes language, traditions, and cultural knowledge but also has the ability to heal the ecology of soil and ecosystems.
outside of ethnobotany, taliyah travels the country walking on the native fashion runway showcasing beautiful designs from indigenous artists. modeling has allowed her to learn from different communities across the country and inspired her to use her modeling platform to highlight environmental injustices occurring on reservations.