350 rap by dot dot dash

music video for the "350 rap" for climate change action. special thanks to all the participants, to videographer & co-director cate smierciak and to fat tire bike tours berlin. why 350? 350...
related topics:
climate, policy

music video for the “350 rap” for climate change action. special thanks to all the participants, to videographer & co-director cate smierciak and to fat tire bike tours berlin.

why 350?

350 parts per million is the safe level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. we’re already in the 380s and rising, but we need to start curbing emissions and getting back down to 350 to avoid catastrophic climate change.

for more information on the importance of 350 and on the widespread international movement in support of getting us there, check out http://www.350.org.

dot .-, in non-rapper life, is valida, a climate change blogger at http://www.theclimateers.org. check the blog to follow her updates from copenhagen climate talks where she’ll be participating as an accredited sustainus youth delegate.

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350, copenhagen, united nations

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