water is life (tó éí iiná): groundwork to solving water inequity on the navajo nation

in this mini-documentary, planet forward comcast sustainable storytelling fellow mckenzie allen-charmley approaches the ongoing water crisis on the navajo nation, where more than 30% of navajo...

in this short documentary, planet forward comcast sustainable storytelling fellow mckenzie allen-charmley chronicles the water crisis on the navajo nation and changemakers addressing it.

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in this mini-documentary, planet forward comcast sustainable storytelling fellow mckenzie allen-charmley approaches the ongoing water crisis on the navajo nation, where more than 30% of navajo families lack access to running water. 

allen-charmley highlights the groundwork being done by individuals and organizations like digdeep, a community-led initiative that strives to find solutions to providing water to the thousands who are without it everyday on the navajo nation. allen-charmley connects with the navajo water project as well as a student change maker to learn just how much tó éí iiná, or water is life. not only does this mini-documentary display the effects of climate change in rural parts of america, it also spotlights how lack of accessible water within indigenous communities can be especially detrimental during a pandemic.

special thanks to the navajo nation, digdeep and the planet forward team for making the production of this video possible


correction: the lower third graphic which reads “jaden redshirt” should instead read “jaden redhair.”

editor’s note: this short film was produced as part of the planet forward-comcast nbcuniversal sustainable storytelling fellowship

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arizona, climate change, comcast, covid-19, digdeep, environmental justice, nalgene, navajo nation, navajo water project, storyfest

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