planet forward storyfest 2015 winners share their stories at a special delegation in rome, italy, at the un-fao. pictured, from left: david wilson and jeremy robison, purdue university, and anahi ruiz, george washington university.
planet forward storyfest 2015 winners share their stories at a special delegation in rome, italy, at the un-fao. pictured, from left: david wilson and jeremy robison, purdue university, and anahi ruiz, george washington university.
have you made a video, taken a picture, told a story or written a blog about something that can 2022年卡塔尔世界杯官网 ? it can win you a cash prize and a trip to u.n. headquarters in new york, where you will get a chance to present it to experts in global development.
your story can be something you did for an internship, a class, a school tv show or website. it can be about lots of things — new modes of transportation, awesome ways to generate or conserve energy, smart technologies that will improve our lives, architectural and engineering innovations, urban farms and food.
bottom line: i want to feature your cool ideas that will help build, retrofit or invent … sustainable cities!
check out planet forward’s storyfest award. finalists will be featured online and at our sustainable cities summit in washington on april 21, when the winners will be selected.
if you’re interested, contact us (storyfest@planetforward.org). we’ll answer your questions and upload your story. just need some inspiration? see what others have entered so far, check out our storytelling toolkit or view last year’s winners.
compelling stories about exciting new ideas can inspire change and lead to collaboration and investment. they can have impact.
tell your story to 2022年卡塔尔世界杯官网 !