aspen archives - planet forward - 克罗地亚vs加拿大让球 // inspiring stories to 2022年卡塔尔世界杯官网 tue, 07 mar 2023 19:39:53 +0000 en-us hourly 1 students lead in green advocacy with environmental education // wed, 01 dec 2021 17:53:18 +0000 as climate change adds more stress to children’s futures, teachers focus on environmental education while student advocacy efforts lead toward a green tomorrow. mikayla denault reports for medill.

by mikayla denault

arlington, va. — students usually worry about schoolwork and tests, but the looming threat of climate change adds additional stress to children’s futures.

“we need to educate, we need to step up and we need to really ensure that our planet is protected and we’re able to function in a sustainable and environmentally-friendly society,” student leader thomas brulay said.

with education being one of the largest public sectors in the united states, coalitions like aspen institute’s k-12 climate action plan and generation180 partner with schools to help them reach sustainability goals and net-zero energy.

“it’s really thinking about the school districts developing these local climate action plans and then how state and the federal government can really help support that implementation,” laura schifter, a k-12 climate action plan senior fellow, said.

schools in the u.s. occupy about 2 million acres of land and teach around 50 million students, according to schifter. generation180 program director tish tablan also said that schools emit carbon dioxide levels similar to that of 18 coal power plants and that switching to solar would reduce schools’ carbon footprint.

“in 29 states plus dc, you can go solar with no upfront costs, so the barrier of upfront costs can be removed for many schools around the country, and that really levels the playing field, so that solar is not a technology just for wealthy districts,” tablan said.

stockton unified school district in california championed green advocacy work by its quick production of electric school buses. energy education specialist gilbert rosas said their bus fleet acts as a model for other school districts and opens the students’ eyes to environmentally-friendly careers.

“not only do i understand the demographic of stockton unified, but i look like the demographic,” rosas said. “i think it’s important for kids to realize that we have cool green career path choices, and they have the ability to be anything they want to be.”

discovery elementary school in arlington, virginia is one of the many schools that are being catalysts for educating environmental activists. as soon as students enter primary school, they work on year-long mastery projects to help their school become greener.

“all of the projects that the students come up with are amazing. the way they get excited about growing lettuce, that i swear they won’t eat until they’re a part of the process, and how proud they are to have taken part in that is just really inspiring,” principal erin russo said.

from primary school to high school, students like holly thorpe and thomas brulay, join and form organizations to put what they learn into action. thorpe and brulay lead environmental efforts in green champions, a student-run club in florida’s miami-dade county school district. these groups help kids realize their impact on the planet.

“we’re running out of time, and the climate crisis keeps getting worse and worse, and if we don’t step up and do something about it, then it’s going to be irreversible effects to the environment,” brulay said.

ski area report card // thu, 11 mar 2010 23:20:49 +0000 for 10 years, the ski area citizens coalition has published its ski area environmental report card, a rating system that grades ski resorts across the west according to their impact on the natural environment.

paul joyce, a conservation associate at the environmental protection group colorado wild, says a ski resort’s grade depends on how well it plays in its own backyard.
“when a ski area expands into the back country, expands into habitat, affects wildlife, affects vegetation, thereby affecting water, watersheds, water quality,” joyce said, “those things weigh really heavy with the report card.”

resorts owned by the aspen skiing company dominate the highest rated resorts in the west.
“people listen to us in part because we’re an interesting news story, but also because we’re business people.,” auden schendler, environmental affairs director at aspen skiing. “ultimately we’re not environmentalists. we’re business people. and we see climate changes as an existential threat to business.
in this edition of this american land we explore ski resorts that employ environmentally sustainable practices to protect natural areas that surround their slopes.
