change archives - planet forward - 克罗地亚vs加拿大让球 // inspiring stories to 2022年卡塔尔世界杯官网 tue, 07 mar 2023 19:39:53 +0000 en-us hourly 1 insurance industry perspectives on extreme weather events // sat, 22 dec 2012 09:00:52 +0000 the environmental and energy study institute (eesi) organized a briefing on insurance industry perspectives on recent extreme weather events and how strategic investment can help manage the threats posed by a changing and more severe climate. in new york, washington and california, insurance companies are required to disclose their climate change response plans, and many insurers are considering modifying rates and expected payouts to address increasing extreme weather events and rising sea levels.

as experts in assessing, quantifying and transferring risk, the insurance industry is a natural partner for the federal government as it looks to manage extreme weather vulnerability. the briefing included the industry’s response to the growing number of very costly climate-related disasters and considered how public-private collaboration can help manage risk and guide policy to promote long-term resiliency.

educating the public about environmental issues on t.v. and at movie theaters // sat, 07 jan 2012 08:42:11 +0000 educating the public about environmental issues is absolutely essential. nobody at the grocery store understands why i do not want a plastic bag, even when i claim that plastic is environmentally unfriendly. i think that getting environmental commercials to play in movie theaters or on t.v. is a great way to start.

every commercial is an advertisement trying to convince people that they need to buy things that they really don’t. it would be utterly relieving to see a commercial that focused on something other than human greed, gain and entrapment of society. i bet 95% of what people see on t.v. makes them dumber, so having educational commercial would be great to combat the vast majority of non-educational media.

i have seen what seemed like environmental commercials play at theaters in st. louis mo, guess who sponsored them? monsanto and a big coal company.

why and how can the very companies who are responsible for polluting our air and water be the ones feeding society information about what is environmentally friendly and what is best for our environment?

green washing is seriously setting back real environmental change. did you know that in a store the other day a water bottle company was advertising its product to be ‘green’ because if you bought 2 large water bottles you get a re-usable bag for free…

please, please let’s get actual environmentalist (people who truly care about the long term sustainability of this planet, not just profit) to create and show informational environmental commercials!!!

i know that it is very expensive to run commercials, but we can make anything happen! we could all pitch in, get sponsors, get people to donate and more. these commercials should play during every movie in every theater, come on, it’s time to get the ball rolling.

p.s. i like the videos that will teach the public about plastic, about fish in our oceans, about global warming, about tar sands oil in canada, about how we can help and what we can do as people!!!

clean power is a $2.3 trillion opportunity // fri, 25 mar 2011 13:57:44 +0000 in its latest report, “global clean power: a $2.3 trillion opportunity,” the pew environment group describes profound economic gains over the next decade for countries and regions in the g-20 that enact clean energy policies. the report highlights asia as a major source of new investments in clean energy technology.

climate change threatens national security, warn u.s. military and gop veteran // mon, 21 mar 2011 12:55:45 +0000 u.s. military officials and former republican senator john warner warn that america’s dependence on foreign oil puts our armed forces in harm’s way, and that the effects of climate change could lead to political instability and humanitarian crises.

moving to higher ground // sat, 26 dec 2009 15:34:21 +0000 villagers from the small coastal alaskan town of newtok have endured extreme weather leading to massive erosion. though not at fault, this group of some 350 yup’ik eskimos is among the planet’s first casualties of climate change. they are forced by rising sea levels and melting permafrost to relocate, but uncertainties in funding this unprecedented event place the village in danger. because newtok hopes to stay together to maintain their strong traditions, the entire community has chosen to work through frustrations to move intact to a new village site on higher ground.
