cooking archives - planet forward - 克罗地亚vs加拿大让球 // inspiring stories to 2022年卡塔尔世界杯官网 tue, 28 feb 2023 18:46:24 +0000 en-us hourly 1 your tuesday tip: go meatless — sometimes // wed, 23 sep 2015 00:00:00 +0000 going meatless once a week has been proven to have a positive impact on the planet — especially if more people participate. here's how to get involved!

meatless monday has become a more common phrase to many on the topic of sustainability. it has been confirmed that skipping meat once a week has a positive impact on the planet, especially if everyone participates. here are some tips and recipes so good they will cut your meat cravings and add sweet satisfaction to your meatless experiments!

  • nuts are packed with protein and pair well with anything. stir some into your breakfast yogurt for a quick, simple and filling breakfast. or, expand your culinary skills and turn ground almonds into this faux feta cheese snack. check out the vegetarian times for more ideas for nut dishes and protein laden garnishes.

  • avocados are heavy with fiber, monounsaturated fats and antioxidants, so they are naturally a perfect option for breakfast. they are highly versatile as they can become a spreadsmoothiebaking dish and even the main dish. they excel as a protein source later in the day too, lending magic to salads and dips. you can even grill them.

  • when in doubt, granola, cereal or a plain bagel with cream cheese is a great meat-free option. remember, you can try an avocado spread on that bagel.

  • craving comfort food? feed yourself with this fix: an easy and tasty grilled cheese. pair it with this delicious soup for something even more savory.

  • many people like a big, filling dinner. you don’t have to give that up for meatless monday. this is an opportunity to pull out that lasagna or try some delicious eggplant parmesan (i personally tried this recipe and it is a must-try).

  • want to get the smoky taste of the grill? try these portobello cutlets (hint: you can slide these on buns and call them “burgers” too). you also can use portobello mushrooms to make a mean quesadilla.

if you can overlook the product plug, you’ll find some more information on having a successful meatless whatever-day-of-the-week-you-choose (cause let’s be honest, it doesn’t have to be monday) on this company’s blog

(photo at top: you won’t miss your regular sushi fix with this protein-packed quinoa maki with avocado and cajun portobello fillets. this spicy sushi recipe is from the conscious cook. / photo by belinda/miscdebris via flickr)

your tuesday tip: cooking light (on energy) // tue, 15 sep 2015 16:00:00 +0000 including the energy used to heat water, the kitchen is responsible for up to 22% of all home energy costs. we have some tricks you can use to cut energy use and get the most out of your cooking.

by katlyn manka
planet forward intern/marymount student

kitchens are notorious for refuse. in my house, our only trash bin was in the kitchen. most people don’t realize that their kitchen waste stretches beyond trash. more specifically, kitchens are energy sinks. on average, the kitchen accounts for 13% of a household’s energy use, not including energy used to heat water. including the energy used to heat water, the kitchen is responsible for up to 22% of all home energy costs. other than electronics, it’s the biggest energy use in the household.

worry not, we have some tricks you can use to cut energy use and get the most out of your cooking.

1. cook in bulk and consolidate dishes. instead of cooking tiny portions regularly, prepare dishes together or double the amount you cook. freeze or refrigerate what you don’t use immediately.

  • when using the oven, cook dishes with similar cooking temperatures together and resist opening the oven door. don’t heat up the oven to cook one dish as it is an energy waster.
  • skip preheating. foods with long cooking times like lasagnas or casseroles cook as the oven heats up. this may not work for baked goods like cake, but it does for recipes that require less precision.

skip the stove and choose a smaller device to create a hot meal. the bonus with the slow-cooker is the recipes are usually pretty easy and you come home to dinner already cooked. (fæ/creative commons)

2. consider alternatives to the stove/oven. smaller cooking devices, such as microwaves, crock pots, toaster ovens and rice cookers use much less energy than conventional ovens and cooktops. if you think a rice cooker is only for rice and a toaster oven is too small, think again! these tiny machines multitask more than you may think (more toaster oven and rice cooker recipes).

  • salads, raw fruits and vegetables are energy friendly: they don’t require heating.

skip the heat altogether and serve more raw foods. (marisa demeglio/creative commons)

3. on the cooktop, cook smart. use those burners in the most efficient way.

  • use the right burner for pots and pans. a burner that’s too large leads to wasted heat.
  • keep the lids on the pans.
  • turn burners off before your meal is done. food will cook off the residual heat. this article on sit boiling has great tips for cooking this way.

if you’re renting, you might not think about things like refrigerator coils, but keeping them clean uses less energy. check with your landlord to see who should do this maintenance. (mark florence/flickr)

4. refrigerate smart! cooling food uses as much energy as heating it, maybe more.

  • check fridge temperature. reduce spoilage and wasted energy by setting the refrigerator at 35-38°f and the freezer at 0°f.
  • don’t leave the refrigerator open.
  • let leftovers cool 30 minutes before storing/freezing to reduce energy use.
  • if you have an older fridge, make sure the backside coils are clean. dirty coils require more energy to keep your food cool.

remember, next time you cook, cook smarter. it’ll be gentler on the environment and lighter on the wallet.

(sources: u.s. energy information administration,, mother earth news,,

(photo at top: match the pot to the burner size to use less energy. source: pixabay)

farm to table: serving a greener community // mon, 03 dec 2012 11:01:08 +0000 the ravine is a restaurant that supports the community by only using products made locally. owner joel miller offers some insight into his vision behind his restaurant. “eat your locals,” is ravine’s theme, encouraging local commerce, fresher ingredients, and eco-friendly transportation.
