paramount in our bi-laws set forth, most important is: “of all monies raised only 10% will ever be used for administrative fees”.
we are on a campaign to raise $1.5 million to be able to donate 50 of’s low-cost, solar-powered micro housing kits to give to those who lost everything and have no insurance to rebuild.
we will not wait on fema to do it all.
first of all–it is not a well know fact–that it is not all fema’s responsibility to rebuild entire towns and cities. these are not man made events, like oil explosions or spills in the water.
so fema’s role is different in that it does not have some big corporation to dole out the lion’s share of the costs.
we the tax payers are sharing the burden.
the government agency is only supposed to help with the disaster relief effort. but over the years no matter what name the government gives the group that helps during tragedy, it is
not enough. too big, too many disasters and in a time of cuts,
well you understand. too bureaucratic.
we as a society and a people must rise up and help our fellow countrymen…
we would welcome the opportunity to earn your trust and deliver you the fastest and best service in the industry.
the panels to build the structures is scalable to any need… schools, hospitals, apartments, commercial and industrial applications abound.