fuel cells archives - planet forward - 克罗地亚vs加拿大让球 //www.getitdoneaz.com/tag/fuel-cells/ inspiring stories to 2022年卡塔尔世界杯官网 tue, 28 feb 2023 18:46:25 +0000 en-us hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.2 synthetic polymers enable cheap, efficient, durable alkaline fuel cells //www.getitdoneaz.com/story/synthetic-polymers-enable-cheap-efficient-durable-alkaline-fuel-cells/ wed, 20 nov 2013 14:15:37 +0000 http://dpetrov.2create.studio/planet/wordpress/synthetic-polymers-enable-cheap-efficient-durable-alkaline-fuel-cells/ a new cost-effective polymer membrane can decrease the cost of alkaline batteries and fuel cells by allowing the replacement of expensive platinum catalysts without sacrificing important aspects of performance, according to penn state researchers.

“we have tried to break this paradigm of tradeoffs in materials (by improving) both the stability and the conductivity of this membrane at the same time, and that is what we were able to do with this unique polymeric materials design,” said michael hickner, associate professor of materials science and engineering.

in solid-state alkaline fuel cells, anion exchange membranes conduct negative charges between the device’s cathode and anode — the negative and positive connections of the cell — to create useable electric power. most fuel cells currently use membranes that require platinum-based catalysts that are effective but expensive.

hickner’s new polymer is a unique anion exchange membrane — a new type of fuel cell and battery membrane — that allows the use of much more cost-efficient non-precious metal catalysts and does not compromise either durability or efficiency like previous anion exchange membranes.

“what we’re really doing here is providing alternatives, possible choices, new technology so that people who want to commercialize fuel cells can now choose between the old paradigm and new possibilities with anion exchange membranes,” hickner said.

creating this alternative took some intuition and good fortune. in work spearheaded by nanwen li, a postdoctoral researcher in materials science and engineering, hickner’s team created several variations of the membrane, each with slightly different chemical compositions. they then ran each variation under simulated conditions to predict which would be optimal in an actual fuel cell. the researchers report their findings in a recent issue of the journal of the american chemical society.

based on these initial tests, the group predicted that the membranes with long 16-carbon structures in their chemical makeup would provide the best efficiency and durability, as measured respectively by conductivity and long-term stability.

chao-yang wang, william e. diefenderfer chair of mechanical engineering, and his team then tested each possibility in an operating fuel cell device. yongjun leng, a research associate in mechanical and nuclear engineering, measured the fuel cell’s output and lifetime for each material variation.

despite predictions, the membranes containing shorter 6-carbon structures proved to be much more durable and efficient after 60 hours of continuous operation.

“we were somewhat surprised…that what we thought was the best material in our lab testing wasn’t necessarily the best material in the cell when it was evaluated over time,” said hickner, who added that researchers are still trying to understand why the 6-carbon variation has better long-term durability than the 16-carbon sample in the fuel cell by studying the operating conditions of the cell in detail.

because the successful membrane was so much more effective than the initial lab studies predicted, researchers are now interested in accounting for the interactions that the membranes experienced while inside the cell.

“we have the fuel cell output — so we have the fuel cell efficiency, the fuel cell life time — but we don’t have the molecular scale information in the fuel cell,” hickner said. “that’s the next step, trying to figure out how these polymers are working in the fuel cell on a detailed level.”

the advanced research projects agency-energy at the u.s. department of energy, funded this project in collaboration with proton onsite, a leading membrane electrolyzer company based in connecticut.

no pooh-poohing caltech’s solar sanitation system //www.getitdoneaz.com/story/no-pooh-poohing-caltechs-solar-sanitation-system/ wed, 24 oct 2012 12:08:58 +0000 http://dpetrov.2create.studio/planet/wordpress/no-pooh-poohing-caltechs-solar-sanitation-system/ researchers from the california institute of technology have created a prototype for a solar-powered sanitation system that can be used in remote parts of the planet that are not currently served by municipal sewage systems. caltech’s prototype, which won first place in the reinventing the toilet challenge hosted by the bill & melinda gates foundation, uses the sun to power an electrochemical reactor. the reactor breaks down water and human waste into fertilizer and hydrogen which can be stored in hydrogen fuel cells as energy. the treated water can then be reused to flush the toilet or for irrigation. the research team is working on a second-generation prototype with the goal of developing a robust, scaleable system that is ready to use all over the world.

battery or fuel cell powered homes: the time is now //www.getitdoneaz.com/story/battery-or-fuel-cell-powered-homes-the-time-is-now/ sun, 05 aug 2012 07:00:27 +0000 http://dpetrov.2create.studio/planet/wordpress/battery-or-fuel-cell-powered-homes-the-time-is-now/ battery-powered homes should be the norm. why? well, just look at the weeks without power millions experienced in the midwest this summer of 2012 under extreme heat after severe storms damaged parts of the deteriorating power grid. while there isn’t much public knowledge about battery-powered homes, there is interest and research. but, where is it today in 2012?

•  panasonic aiming for battery-powered homes by 2011
•  battery breakthrough technology could power homes for pennies per kilowatt hour

we talk about battery-powered cars. why not battery-powered homes? these super batteries could even be fuel cells. it’s time to take innovation from the car to the home. it’s time. but, utility companies and government seem to conspire on discouraging homes to be off the grid.

but, as the u.s. power grid is already challenged, why not encourage houses to have the option to go off the grid during certain times of overload, when the house can subsist off the batter or fuel cell instead?

and as appliances get smarter, use less power, this surely seems possible today or in the next few years. the fuel cell or super battery that powers the home could get charged from the grid initially and/or through a combination of solar, wind, water, geothermal, natural gas and/or more.

the time is now, as millions every year go through more and more power outages due to severe weather. and, power outages can be quite harsh and even deadly in extreme heat or cold. as we become a wireless communication society with fewer and fewer landlines, why not evolve homes to have wireless electricity?

better biofilm reactors for microbial fuel cells //www.getitdoneaz.com/story/better-biofilm-reactors-for-microbial-fuel-cells/ thu, 03 may 2012 12:13:59 +0000 http://dpetrov.2create.studio/planet/wordpress/better-biofilm-reactors-for-microbial-fuel-cells/ northwestern university researchers have found that microbial fuel cells designed to produce electricity and clean wastewater, or biofilm reactors, are more efficient when biofilms don’t become too thick.

microbial fuel cells are a potential source of green energy, producing electricity without combustion while cleaning wastewater. but, before industry builds commercial facilities, researchers must carefully assess the production capabilities and engineering designs of biofilm reactors. the northwestern university research identified a design issue that could bear significantly upon reactors’ production capacity.

the findings also highlight the ability of scientific computing to complement laboratory research. laboratory experiments cannot reveal the small-scale structure of biofilms or other precise information related to microbial fuel cell power production. nor can they explain the sharp decrease in power production that occurs as biofilms mature.

to address this gap, researchers simulated the fuel-cell activity using mathematical models. they discovered that the biofilm overgrowth can lead to power loss. the images at right show how even slight bacterial overgrowth can lead to regions in the reactor with drastically reduced power production.

the initiative for sustainability and energy at northwestern university did the computer modeling in collaboration with laboratories at arizona state university and the university of wisconsin, milwaukee. the research serves as an example of how mathematicians, scientists and engineers can combine their talents to solve challenging problems.

proton exchange membrane (pem) fuel cells for batteries //www.getitdoneaz.com/story/proton-exchange-membrane-pem-fuel-cells-for-batteries/ mon, 02 apr 2012 10:22:02 +0000 http://dpetrov.2create.studio/planet/wordpress/proton-exchange-membrane-pem-fuel-cells-for-batteries/ we are headed towards a society that will be largely unplugged – from fossil fuels, wall outlets, etc. – but this relies on the portability of the power system. what we are trying to do is to bring the revolution of electrochemical energy conversion storage.

a battery is an energy storage device. fuel cells, however, are energy conversion devices. they allow the conversion of chemical energy to electrical energy. we are working to develop high performance fuel cells using the most efficient and cost effective materials.

a song about hydrogen fuel cells //www.getitdoneaz.com/story/a-song-about-hydrogen-fuel-cells/ mon, 19 dec 2011 11:02:11 +0000 http://dpetrov.2create.studio/planet/wordpress/a-song-about-hydrogen-fuel-cells/
here’s a song congress should hear: “gasoline gets people were we gotta go, but lets talk a little a bit about the price tho. we know at the pump it’s like a living hell, but we’ve been damaging the earth as well. there are other choices that we could be taking: a hydrogen fuel cell is in the making. it breaks down water it turns it in the fuel emitting zero pollution which is real cool.”

this video but university of mississippi students highlights research there to develop hydrogen fuel cells for cars, which could reduce the need for oil and gasoline.


gasoline gets people where we gotta go, but let’s talk a little bit about the price though.
at the pump we know it’s like a living hell, but, even worse, we’ve been damaging the earth as well.
and there are other choices that we could be taking:  a hydrogen fuel cell is in the making.
it breaks down water, turning it into fuel, emitting zero pollution, which is real cool.
but what about dollar signs, talk about the fee.  to keep the earth clean tell me what it costs me.
to drive it around cost almost none, but the fuel cell cost about a million.
see the platinum inside it is the problem now.  we need to run it without it; nobody knows just how.
we don’t want coal or electricity, but, most of all, you see, we can’t afford platinum.

and so a friend of mine is trying to find a better way.  doctor ritchie’s researching, looking towards a better day.
he’s gonna have a say in lowering the cost of driving your car, saving you the cash that you would’ve lost.
see we have had a fuel cell, and, well, it’s been nice, but it’s been unaffordable because the price was too high.
so the bottom line is doctor ritchie’s up and at ’em, finding a way that we don’t gotta use platinum.

tennessee students engineer eco-vehicle that drives for pennies //www.getitdoneaz.com/story/tennessee-students-engineer-eco-vehicle-that-drives-for-pennies/ tue, 19 jul 2011 14:00:15 +0000 http://dpetrov.2create.studio/planet/wordpress/tennessee-students-engineer-eco-vehicle-that-drives-for-pennies/ most commuters in urban areas drive to work a distance of less than 15 miles, one-way. most of these are single passengers in vehicles designed to carry up to 5 passengers. if a vehicle was available that was sufficiently comfortable but used much less energy and if people would adopt such a vehicle, the environmental impact of commuters could be significantly reduced. a team of engineering students from the university of tennessee started with a commercially available kit for a three-wheeled electric car, the buge (http://www.bugev.net/). they modified the frame and components, test drove the vehicle to simulate use as a commuting vehicle for 2 weeks, and conducted an analysis to compare this vehicle to other vehicles in terms of environmental and health impacts as well as operating and capital costs. the full analysis can be found in a copy of the final project report to the epa, which is posted at http://web.utk.edu/~pdf/h2vbev/report.pdf.
the report includes a proposal for extending the work for an additional two years.

in the original proposed project, the students were going to build a hydrogen fuel cell version of the car to test as well. however, delivery problems for the fuel cell and a very tight project timeline made it impossible to build both cars before the students would need to enter their project in the epa’s p3 competition (http://www.epa.gov/p3/). because of the similarities between the battery electric system and fuel cell system and the data gathered during road testing, it was simple to design the vehicle and to include the hydrogen fuel cell version of the vehicle in the sustainability analysis. perhaps a future team will build the fuel cell version to validate the design and performance analysis.

the tested vehicle uses very little energy and could easily be charged from either a home-installed solar panel or by purchasing “green power” from the local utility.

improve fuel cells that convert hydrogen into energy //www.getitdoneaz.com/story/improve-fuel-cells-that-convert-hydrogen-into-energy/ fri, 25 feb 2011 13:49:09 +0000 http://dpetrov.2create.studio/planet/wordpress/improve-fuel-cells-that-convert-hydrogen-into-energy/ make your case – kevin harrison //www.getitdoneaz.com/story/make-your-case-kevin-harrison/ mon, 25 jan 2010 21:59:52 +0000 http://dpetrov.2create.studio/planet/wordpress/make-your-case-kevin-harrison/ from the national renewable energy lab

dream of the future //www.getitdoneaz.com/story/dream-of-the-future/ fri, 18 dec 2009 19:37:31 +0000 http://dpetrov.2create.studio/planet/wordpress/dream-of-the-future/ by madeline twomey & juliette dallas-feeney. arlington, va school-teacher gail carten explains her participation in gm’s project driveway- a test market of the hydrogen fuel-cell car, which produces zero emissions. fall 2009.
