new jersey archives - planet forward - 克罗地亚vs加拿大让球 // inspiring stories to 2022年卡塔尔世界杯官网 tue, 07 mar 2023 19:39:44 +0000 en-us hourly 1 is my cake at risk? // tue, 06 jan 2015 01:58:57 +0000 what might happen to your favorite food in the face of climate change? 

i am a senior in college, and ever since i said goodbye to home cooked meals, food has always been on my mind. my visits home are not as frequent as they used to be, but the dinner traditions remain. dessert is, and always will be, angel cake with strawberries and whipped cream.

i miss the flavorful strawberries we buy from the local farmers market in princeton, new jersey. when the fruit is not in season we simply buy from the supermarket, but the meal tastes so much richer when the strawberries are in season.

new jersey is one of the top producers in the united states with more than 10,000 farms statewide, according to the new jersey department of agriculture. the new jersey agriculture sector brings in about 1 billion dollars in revenue. our state’s economy depends on its farms more than the average jersey girl or boy may realize – and that means climate change is a serious problem for the garden state.

from the national climate assessment


records show that precipitation has already increased a total 71% across the northeast between 1958 to 2012.

climate change is creating adverse conditions for crops to grow in, increasing the chance of crop failure. the entire northeast is at risk as increased precipitation and heat stress threaten the land and consequently the growth of certain crops. there has been a 70% increase of heavy precipitation in the northeast, and estimates show up to 70 more days per year with a maximum temperature greater than 90°f, in certain areas of jersey, between 2041 and 2070. i foresee a future summer, perhaps in the next 100 years, when strawberries may not grow because of adverse weather.

is it possible that one day my grandchildren won’t have fresh strawberries to eat with angel cake?

strawberries are a start to thinking about a much larger picture, one that is sometimes hard to imagine. the bottom line is that climate change has a domino effect on many different aspects of our lives because land, energy and water are all interwoven necessities.

this means that our food, one way or another, will be impacted. it’s important to ask questions: how can climate change affect the dinner table, weekend trips to the beach or road trips to grandma’s?

eventually your questions will get you thinking about other ways climate change will change your lifestyle. so ask questions, join the conversation, and share with others how climate change may impact you.

my threatened hometown treasure: the jersey shore // mon, 17 nov 2014 09:15:59 +0000 what if your favorite place was in the way of a serious flood? what if climate change meant it would keep happening, over and over?

as a native of central new jersey (exit 9 on the turnpike), much of my upbringing has been spent on the jersey shore. when i was younger, my relatives used to own a beach house right along point pleasant, a popular family beach town about an hour south from my house. each summer, my dad would drive us all down to point pleasant for a weekend getaway. as soon as we arrived, i was always so anxious to get down to the beach. my mom would typically sprawl on the warm sand and read her magazines while my dad and i would dig sand ditches and glide through the ocean waves on our boogie boards. afterwards, we would head to the boardwalk where i would play some of the featured games, like the basketball shot challenge, and then visit the jenkinson’s aquarium, where i loved to see sharks as long as 15 feet swim right by my head.

the scenarios: bad & worse



the diagram presents two scenarios. scenario a (top) shows the area below +1 ft sea level rise projected by 2020. scenario b (bottom) shows the area below +8 ft sea level rise projected by 2100. from scenario a to scenario b there is about a 70 to 80 percent increase in the population, homes, and acres underneath the projected sea level rise. source: climate central

as i grew older, i continued to visit beaches on the jersey shore with my school friends, including seaside heights, also known for its family boardwalk. when hurricane sandy struck the jersey shore in the fall of my sophomore year of college, i was shocked that a storm of that magnitude could strike so close to home.  it was a huge reality check, turning on the television and seeing the aftermath aerial images of seaside height’s jet star roller coaster sucked into the ocean waters. for me, hurricane sandy changed the meaning of the beach from a relaxing vacation setting to an area of vulnerability, similar to what the movie, jaws, did for swimmers on the beach.

when all of the rebuilding efforts were finally completed, sandy had left a deadly record and emotional hardships on all those living in or near the area.  one-hundred-and-fifty people lost their lives. about 650,000 homes were damaged or destroyed and it was the most expensive storm since hurricane katrina. it also was the first time i became seriously worried about the impacts of global climate change.

although single hurricanes are not directly caused by climate change, global warming can enhance the intensity of hurricanes through sea level rise and warmer temperatures. over the past century, sea levels have risen over a foot on the jersey shore, largely due to human induced climate change. additionally, the intensity, frequency, and duration of hurricanes have all increased since the early 1980s. these factors placed 40,000 more people in new jersey in sandy’s destructive path.

this is frightening not just for people living near the jersey shore but also for the sustainability of the shore itself. as much as i would like to chalk this up to a tragic anomaly, i am too concerned about the vitality of a place that holds some of my most cherished childhood memories to not be affected. sandy is a hard smack to our american consciousness, signaling to us that more must be done to protect these vulnerable beach areas.

most states have implemented adaptation measures, but this will not save us from the worst effects of global warming. by 2100, sandy-level flooding could occur once a year across the jersey shore. time is running out. we cannot just sit on the sidelines hoping for our team to win. we need to be actively engaged on curbing global co2 emissions. this will move us toward a virtuous goal of leaving the world in a healthier condition from where we left it, not one that threatens the people and places we most treasure. climate science has afforded us a great opportunity to preserve these areas and the meaning, such areas like the jersey shore, have had for many others and myself. let’s keep this possible for future generations.

eric osman is a senior at the george washington university majoring in journalism and mass communication with a minor in economics.

william paterson university: an array of sustainable initiatives // tue, 13 mar 2012 16:21:50 +0000 this video is an entry in a contest we’ve launched with second nature’s climate leadership awards. see below for how you can vote for it.
see more entries in this contest

william paterson university in wayne, new jersey, is committed to environmental sustainability and is proud to provide a positive example for its 11,500 students while leading by example for our surrounding community and beyond.

william paterson’s campus-wide solar panel installation is a dramatic and visible sign of the university’s commitment to the environment. the solar initiative, with phase one completed in 2010 and phase two beginning in spring 2012, ranks among the top ten largest installations at higher education institutions in the united states.

the university targets carbon neutrality as a goal and includes conservation efforts that integrate sustainability across the curriculum, such as a new bachelor’s degree in environmental sustainability. this degree will unite areas of tangible study and research, and include courses in environmental science, biology, chemistry, mathematics, law, political science, and economics. graduates will be prepared with the interdisciplinary skills needed for careers in sustainability to meet the growing demands in academia, business, and government.

the conversion to smart buildings via upgraded energy management systems and use of electric maintenance vehicles has vastly reduced the university’s total energy consumption, as well as energy costs. in the past decade, the size of the physical plant has increased by 16.5 percent, while electric energy consumption was reduced by 30 percent and natural gas consumption by 50 percent.

in addition to this significant reduction in carbon gas emissions, the university has saved more than $17 million over the same time period through cost avoidance.

william paterson university continues to vigorously pursue energy efficiency initiatives and educational programs with the strong support of students, faculty, administrators, alumni, and community leaders.

vote now to help this idea win!

keeping cool with concrete // wed, 12 oct 2011 16:52:49 +0000 team new jersey, a collaboration of rutgers university and the new jersey institute of technology, built the enjoy house. this house is the first entry to the competition built from concrete.

want to keep track of team thinkfwd?

team thinkfwd is a group of fifteen students from frank sesno’s class at the george washington university. see all of their videos here: visit the member page

enjoy sustainable solar living // thu, 15 sep 2011 16:16:03 +0000 enjoy is a generational house that challenges traditional building techniques. it’s meant to grow as you do, across generations with the family in mind.

how do we compliment the past, but also look towards a much needed sustainable future? it all comes back to taking advantage of sunlight. with a design based on universal design principles, enjoy provides ample space for day-to-day comfort amidst a highly efficient structure.

unique wall designs allow sunlight to pour through the structure, all while powering it. the roof structure—which appears to float weightlessly above the enjoy house—meets the sun at optimal efficiency, grabbing as much power as possible. modular design means easy assembly and transport, so as you move, so does your house. the central core ensures efficient energy use and transportability.

take the first step towards generations of sustainable living with enjoy.

looking to keep track of team new jersey?

for access to the entire archive of the new jersey solar decathlon 2011 videos: visit the member page

genesis farm: promoting sustainable agriculture education // thu, 10 feb 2011 18:29:48 +0000 genesis farm is a non profit organization, located in blairstown, new jersey, that aims to educate people of the ecological and agricultural work it takes to preserve the earth and all its wonders. run by dominican sisters from caldwell, nj, genesis farm has made it their mission to promote self-awareness of our global crisis through many workshops, energy saving techniques, and allowing people to come together to learn how to maintain the health of the earth in every way possible. recently, genesis farm joined the transition movement, which is designed to help communities transition from using oil and other fossil fuels to substantial and renewable energy.

genesis farm is committed to lessening the demand of peak oil to avoid climate change in order to reshape and rebuild the community. in time, it hopes that with the transition movement and their solar panels it will improve the quality of life, inspire others to incorporate themselves with their great programs, and become environmentally conscious.
