poetry archives - planet forward - 克罗地亚vs加拿大让球 //www.getitdoneaz.com/tag/poetry/ inspiring stories to 2022年卡塔尔世界杯官网 thu, 16 mar 2023 19:59:19 +0000 en-us hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 a moment for change: social and environmental critique through poetry //www.getitdoneaz.com/story/moment-change-poetry/ thu, 02 mar 2023 15:09:08 +0000 //www.getitdoneaz.com/?p=27807 naomi ayala is a d.c.-based poet and educator from puerto rico. in her writing, she focuses on social and environmental justice. she hopes to bring awareness to these topics in her work and show the power of poetry. e. ethelbert miller, a self-proclaimed literary activist, writer and close friend of ayala, has encouraged ayala in her work and experienced her passion for the environment. this film features poems by ayala, “food line” and “puerto rico”. 

food for thought //www.getitdoneaz.com/story/food-for-thought-podcast/ sun, 03 mar 2019 03:16:01 +0000 http://dpetrov.2create.studio/planet/wordpress/food-for-thought/ my goal is not to revolutionize the food climate nationally with “farm to table” or “organic” concepts or even to throw shade on delivery and meal prep services – all of these services have their pros and cons and and are always evolving with our changing world. i am aiming to narrate a fundamental disconnect that i see present, i don’t think adding an organic label or shutting down grubhub will foster a connection that people didn’t have in the first place, rather introducing small mental changes to cherish the food in our lives. 

my plan is to create a podcast that, generally, exposes the audience to a more intimate, involved, and familial relationship with the process of food acquiring as an alternative to the current outlook on food in the u.s. (which includes fast food, restaurants, technology advances, social media, delivery services, and meal prepping services).

after interviewing my star speaker, it dawned upon me that my food consciousness might need some improvements. our future, indubitably, includes technology. as a society we need to create a system of healthy, environmentally friendly, efficient, and affordable food production and distribution methods that embrace technological advances if we want to work towards a more sustainable future.

the hidden key //www.getitdoneaz.com/story/the-hidden-key/ fri, 01 apr 2016 19:17:47 +0000 http://dpetrov.2create.studio/planet/wordpress/the-hidden-key/ to tell my story, i decided to write several cinquain formatted poems and string them together. the finished poem tells the story of a hurting world in which the solution is around every corner, but no one seems to realize it.


wondrous, grand
giving, stunning, hurting
scarred from lifetimes of deep neglect

powerful, clout
bustling, swarming, living
responsible to change the world

bright, everywhere
shining, revealing, welcoming
needed but right now quite wasteful

gift, prevalent
powering, driving, innovating
our world needs to run on solar


to tell my story, i decided to write several cinquain formatted poems and string them together. my final product tells the story of a hurting world in which the key to survival is found in the power of cities. cities are powerful because of their sheer size and energy, but the innovation to drive our planet forward is much less noticeable: streetlights. traditional streetlights are vulnerable to natural disasters, powered by dirty fuel, and are inefficient (some estimates say traditional streetlights lose 40% of their light to the sky, as opposed to illuminating the ground).

meanwhile solar street lights are completely off the grid and are powered from totally renewable energy. all solar street lights use led light bulbs, which can be up to 70% more efficient. they are extremely resilient, continuing to work during natural disasters while anything connected to the grid is left inoperable. they can even offer a helping hand during these disasters because, if installed correctly, the light post can become a charging station for aid workers and vital equipment.

the simple beauty of solar street lights isn’t that they save money, conserve energy, emit less emissions, or their resilience. the simple beauty of solar street lights is that they are universal. they can be installed in a developed country to replace aging infrastructure or in a developing country in which traditional infrastructure has never existed. this inclusiveness is very rare to find in an innovation, which is why solar street lights could prove to be so important.

in order to properly repair the damage done to the natural environment, cities must use their influence and size to lead the sustainability movement. an integral part of this movement can be achieved through solar street lighting, which if powered by cities, will leave the world a little bit brighter than it was yesterday.
