school archives - planet forward - 克罗地亚vs加拿大让球 // inspiring stories to 2022年卡塔尔世界杯官网 sun, 19 mar 2023 20:22:54 +0000 en-us hourly 1 students lead in green advocacy with environmental education // wed, 01 dec 2021 17:53:18 +0000 as climate change adds more stress to children’s futures, teachers focus on environmental education while student advocacy efforts lead toward a green tomorrow. mikayla denault reports for medill.

by mikayla denault

arlington, va. — students usually worry about schoolwork and tests, but the looming threat of climate change adds additional stress to children’s futures.

“we need to educate, we need to step up and we need to really ensure that our planet is protected and we’re able to function in a sustainable and environmentally-friendly society,” student leader thomas brulay said.

with education being one of the largest public sectors in the united states, coalitions like aspen institute’s k-12 climate action plan and generation180 partner with schools to help them reach sustainability goals and net-zero energy.

“it’s really thinking about the school districts developing these local climate action plans and then how state and the federal government can really help support that implementation,” laura schifter, a k-12 climate action plan senior fellow, said.

schools in the u.s. occupy about 2 million acres of land and teach around 50 million students, according to schifter. generation180 program director tish tablan also said that schools emit carbon dioxide levels similar to that of 18 coal power plants and that switching to solar would reduce schools’ carbon footprint.

“in 29 states plus dc, you can go solar with no upfront costs, so the barrier of upfront costs can be removed for many schools around the country, and that really levels the playing field, so that solar is not a technology just for wealthy districts,” tablan said.

stockton unified school district in california championed green advocacy work by its quick production of electric school buses. energy education specialist gilbert rosas said their bus fleet acts as a model for other school districts and opens the students’ eyes to environmentally-friendly careers.

“not only do i understand the demographic of stockton unified, but i look like the demographic,” rosas said. “i think it’s important for kids to realize that we have cool green career path choices, and they have the ability to be anything they want to be.”

discovery elementary school in arlington, virginia is one of the many schools that are being catalysts for educating environmental activists. as soon as students enter primary school, they work on year-long mastery projects to help their school become greener.

“all of the projects that the students come up with are amazing. the way they get excited about growing lettuce, that i swear they won’t eat until they’re a part of the process, and how proud they are to have taken part in that is just really inspiring,” principal erin russo said.

from primary school to high school, students like holly thorpe and thomas brulay, join and form organizations to put what they learn into action. thorpe and brulay lead environmental efforts in green champions, a student-run club in florida’s miami-dade county school district. these groups help kids realize their impact on the planet.

“we’re running out of time, and the climate crisis keeps getting worse and worse, and if we don’t step up and do something about it, then it’s going to be irreversible effects to the environment,” brulay said.

surviving a pandemic podcast: dr. robert redfield // thu, 17 sep 2020 13:32:26 +0000 cdc director dr. robert redfield talks about pressing community health threats, such as covid-19, vaccine confidence, the opioid crisis, and more.

in a live conversation during research! america’s 2020 virtual national health research forum, frank sesno is joined by cdc director dr. robert redfield to talk about pressing community health threats, such as covid-19, vaccine confidence, the opioid crisis, and more.

hosted by frank sesno, healthy you: surviving a pandemic is a co-production of the george washington university milken institute school of public health and the school of media and public affairs.

surviving a pandemic podcast: dr. jon andrus // thu, 27 aug 2020 12:49:45 +0000 jon andrus, a university of colorado and george washington university adjunct professor in global health and an expert in vaccinology, shares when we can expect a vaccine and why our lives will never "go back to normal."

many are anxiously awaiting a covid-19 vaccine so that our lives can return to normal. jon andrus, a university of colorado and george washington university adjunct professor in global health and an expert in vaccinology, shares when we can expect a vaccine, how leaders will determine who gets the vaccine first, and why our lives will never “go back to normal” even after the vaccine is distributed nationwide.

hosted by frank sesno, healthy you: surviving a pandemic is a co-production of the george washington university milken institute school of public health and the school of media and public affairs.

surviving a pandemic podcast: dr. anthony fauci // thu, 20 aug 2020 10:02:15 +0000 during this live episode of “healthy you: surviving a pandemic,” dr. anthony fauci shares his thoughts on opening schools safely, vaccine availability and effectiveness, and how he maintains his ethics and values during this trying time.

one of the leading and most important voices of the coronavirus pandemic is dr. anthony fauci. as the director of the national institute of allergy and infectious diseases, fauci has faced many viral diseases in his career including hiv/aids, sars, ebola, and now the deadly coronavirus. during this special live episode of “healthy you: surviving a pandemic,” fauci shares his thoughts on opening schools safely, vaccine availability and effectiveness, and how he maintains his ethics and values during this trying time.

hosted by frank sesno, “healthy you: surviving a pandemic” is a co-production of the george washington university milken institute school of public health and the school of media and public affairs.

the sinking school // mon, 20 feb 2017 23:22:26 +0000 a community scrambles as a school sinks into the water.

this is the story of a school in the prek toal floating village in cambodia, where school is held inside a two room building, held afloat by barges. in this community, almost everyone lives on the water, with their transportation reliant on motorboats and rowboats. for the school children, each day they get into their boats and make their way over to the school for their classes, held in either the afternoon or the morning. being on the water, it was only so long that the building could last before it started to erode. when i visited in 2015, half of one of the buildings had collapsed into the water, causing the children to have to cram into one room, making the job for the teachers all the more difficult. organizations such as rustic pathways (with whom i was visiting), began to sponsor a cleanup program, with the funds raised going directly toward rebuilding the flooded area. 

community school gardens // fri, 01 apr 2016 18:38:43 +0000 pf_storyfest_badge_v4_03-15-16_alsmall-03.pngthe community and school garden program here in tucson arizona is an innovative program that stands as an exemplar to others all over. as the population of humans rise and our insatiable thirst for resources increase it is up to young people to stand up and make change. csgp stands as a community leader in guiding students towards achieving a cleaner, healthier more sustainable future. we hope that our submission can help inspire other schools to adopt school gardens, ultimately enriching its community and the environment.


paul tergat: inspired by food // fri, 31 jan 2014 11:02:59 +0000 paul tergat went from running 6 miles to school and back as a kid just to get one meal to being an olympic athlete and marathon world record holder with the help of a school meal program.

paul tergat, former marathon world record holder, founder of the
paul tergat foundation, member of the international olympic committee, and word food program ambassador is a success story of the wfp’s school lunch program. he is working to eliminate world hunger, something we’re all aware of but may not know the facts on.

fact: approximately 925 million people in the world do not eat enough to be healthy. that means that one in every seven people on earth goes to bed hungry each night.

fact: well over half of the world’s hungry people–some 578 million people–live in asia and the pacific region. africa accounts for just over one quarter of the world’s hungry population.

fact: it costs just us $0.25 per day to provide a child with all of the vitamins and nutrients he or she needs to grow up healthy.

fact: in 2012, the united nations world food programme (wfp) provided school meals to 24.7 million children in 60 countries.

fact: school meals encourage poor households to send children to school and keep them there.

fact: wfp works with governments to allow them to continue wfp-funded program themselves and to create and run their own sustainable school meal program.

listen to paul’s story, and then sound off in the comments – have you benefited from a school lunch program? how has food impacted your life?

leor reef and matt seedorff are seniors at the george washington university majoring in journalism.

]]> gen-me is getting schooled on the environment // tue, 22 jan 2013 16:14:23 +0000 we need to develop activities, awareness and interest across the societies to make them equipped to adopt changes and new things which are meant to provide healthier environment. this can be done by implementing compulsory activities in schools and colleges towards doing nature friendly jobs around the living, studying and playing areas. we need to encourage students by giving them opportunities to apply their ideas in their respective interest to make them able to understand the practical application of their ideas. not to rest on these points, i would love to get assignments to lead any such initiative which involves the young generation in activities.

tennessee’s mr. photon explains solar energy // mon, 15 aug 2011 16:00:25 +0000 with education at the forefront of the living light endeavor, a solar decathlon 2011 project from university of tennessee, we want to provide ways to reach people of all ages and educate them about our home and sustainability. enter mr. photon.
mr. photon is the mascot of the living light house whose mission is to educate elementary school children on sustainable practices through stop-motion animated videos. though it is directed at the youngest of our population, it is cute and fun for people of all ages. a team of graphic designers at the university of tennessee has been working to create these educational videos describing different aspects of the living light house and how it functions through the character mr. photon. the debut video, titled “mr. photon explains solar energy,” teaches us about solar power and how we are able to use the sun to capture energy to power our homes.

looking to keep track of team tennessee?

for access to the entire archive of living light’s solar decathlon 2011 videos: visit the member page

it’s elementary–solar t.r.e.e. for clean residential energy // mon, 27 jun 2011 16:09:10 +0000 this was the 2nd place winning idea in the toshiba/nsta exploravision awards 2011. catie, a 2nd grader, and achyudhan and eyra (3rd graders) developed this idea for future green residential energy.
