subway archives - planet forward - 克罗地亚vs加拿大让球 // inspiring stories to 2022年卡塔尔世界杯官网 tue, 21 mar 2023 20:36:06 +0000 en-us hourly 1 we deserve better tree-tment: why street trees matter // mon, 14 mar 2022 14:03:13 +0000 approximately 5.5 million people ride the new york city subway everyday making subway cars prime real estate for advertising and public service announcements –– like these about the benefits of street trees.

approximately 5.5 million people ride the new york city subway everyday making subway cars prime real estate for advertising and public service announcements. i created two subway posters about the benefits of street trees and the volunteer tree stewardship program with nyc parks: the square poster appeals to a numbers-minded ridership with facts and figures while the banner-style poster aims to attract the interest of a more general audience with colorful and inclusive visuals. i was interested in sharing this opportunity to be a volunteer tree steward with nyc parks because besides helping the trees, volunteering can support the wellbeing of individuals as well as foster a sense of community –– with neighbors and with the organisms that grow in the midst of new york’s metropolitan bustle. 

to be sure, effective green infrastructure is more complex than simply planting more trees as trees have ecosystem disservices as well: roots can interfere with sewer pipes, tree pollen can exacerbate allergies, and branches can fall over in storms. but even if no one ends up volunteering to water trees or weed tree pits, subway announcements can still bring awareness of and appreciation for city trees to show how the urban environment is not just buildings and people but a multidimensional ecosystem.

throwback thursday: public transit in the big apple // fri, 30 oct 2015 00:00:00 +0000 this week marks the 111th anniversary of the opening of new york city's subway, the big apple's famous underground rail system. 

this week marks the 111th anniversary of the opening of new york city’s subway, the big apple’s famous underground rail system. opening on oct. 27, 1904, it cost a nickel for a ride and more than 100,000 commuters took their first subway trip that night. though boston and london both had running subterranean trains by 1897, the subway in new york grew to become the largest in us.

today the subway serves 4.5 million people daily and has a 24-hour operating schedule, making it the only rapid transit system in the world that always runs in its entirety — fitting for the city that never sleeps. even as the largest underground transit system in the u.s., there are still proposals and works in progress to expand the reach of the subway to make it more convenient for commuters.

unfortunately, the outlook is not bright for underground trains in coastal cities — especially in the big apple, which is far enough below sea level that it is already threatened whenever a tropical storm happens to travel north. as global warming causes an increase in sea level, the city will face a higher threat of flooding each year. even as recently as 2012, the subway system was devastated by hurricane sandy resulting in $5 billion worth of damage.

if the sea level should rise by a meter or more over the next century, new york city may find itself underwater with a waterlogged and salt corroded transit system after every storm. of course, this is a problem for every coastal city as the u.s. falls behind in innovations to combat rising sea levels. hopefully, progress will catch up with the problem and the many subway-dependent commuters will still have their trains for many years to come.

(image at top: the city hall subway station in the early 1900s. source: library of congress)

beyond the car // thu, 28 jan 2010 18:42:14 +0000 car and truck usage is responsible for about one-third of the united state’s total carbon dioxide emissions. since carbon dioxide is a major contributor to global warming, it is imperative that we reduce our transportation-related emissions. one person switching to public transportation can reduce daily carbon emissions by 20 pounds, which adds up to more than 4,800 pounds a year. when compared with other household actions that limit co2, taking public transportation can be 10 times more effective in reducing the emission of this harmful greenhouse gas. alternatively, bicycling does not contribute to the consumption of fossil fuels, relying instead on modest calorie consumption to fuel muscular energy output. bill strickland, author of the quotable cyclist, explains, “converting calories into gas, a bicycle gets the equivalent of three thousand miles per gallon.” a short, four-mile round trip by bicycle keeps about 15 pounds of pollutants out of the air we breathe. see beyond the car to reduce your impact on the earth. for more information about alternative methods of transportation, visit, or

nyc – from sun to sea // mon, 25 jan 2010 21:36:09 +0000 from new york city transit
