a greener zeitgeist: medill reports from germany<\/h1>\n\t\t\t\t\t
in february 2023, a group of master\u2019s students from northwestern university\u2019s medill school of journalism went on a week-long \u201cmedill explores\u201d trip to germany to learn about and write stories on german energy and climate policies.<\/p>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t

from the future of wind energy to the effects of ramped up liquified natural gas production, learn what important shifts are happening across germany. current challenges including the war in ukraine are affecting both energy production and policy across europe, leading to both opportunities and environmental tensions.<\/p>\n\n\n\n
check back here for new stories covering germany’s environmental zeitgeist from northwestern university\u2019s medill school of journalism.<\/p>\n\n\n\n